What is a site map?

A site map (or sitemap) is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for Web design, or a Web page that lists the pages on a website, typically organized in hierarchical fashion. What is a Google site map? A sitemap is a…

What are the benefits of a Windows domain?

With small businesses increasingly adopting cloud based file sharing technology is there still a place for the Windows Domain and Active Directory? What is a Windows Domain? Not to be confused with internet domains, a Windows domain is a closed system of users and computers that can share resources and adhere to one centrally controlled…

Pointing your domain to your website

Gandi provides you with three ways to make your website available via your domain name. Before you can set up your domain so that it sends users to your website, you need to choose which configuration applies to you. 1. Using web forwarding When to use? For traditional web forwarding (ex. to a preexisting website, hosted on…

Top 5 Benefits of e-Commerce Web Hosting

The market for e-retailers is certainly very promising today, thanks to the internet boom. Through a simple website, they can reach out to an infinite range of customers, beyond physical boundaries. The power of technology is something that has made all this possible! A number of entrepreneurs and SMBs are finding glowing opportunities in the…