What is Social Media Analytics (SMA)?

Of all the definitions for ‘Social Media Analytics’, Gohfar F. Khan’s hit the nail on the head. In his Seven Layers of Social Media book, he defined social media analytics as “the art and science of extracting valuable hidden insights from vast amounts of semistructured and unstructured social media data to enable informed and insightful decision making”. Many organizations don’t listen to social…

How to leverage Social Media Analytics for your business?

Conventional media, such as television, radio or newspapers transmits information only in one direction. Users can consume the information which the media offers, but they have very little or no ability to share their own views on the subject. Now-a-days, digital mediums have made it possible to have a two-way form of communication that allows…

How to Use Social Media Analytics to Create the Best Content

Data is the currency of social media marketing. It’s the lifeblood of your campaigns. Without it, there’s no way to properly analyze your audience or measure your results. Data is what justifies the time we spend writing posts, crafting campaigns, and connecting with our audiences. Understanding social media analytics is essential for making data useful.…

What is social media analytics?

Social media analytics is the process of analyzing social media data and content to provide insight from the millions of conversations taking place on Facebook, Twitter and more. This means identifying granular information from these conversations, comments and reactions, including the topics discussed, who is talking about it and how they are talking about it.…

Why Do You Have a Website?

It’s not always easy to identify the purpose of things. And when something serves many purposes, it’s not easy to discern between them, or to prioritize them properly. Have you ever stopped to wonder what clothing is for? That’s an easy one, right? Well, maybe. One thing you probably thought of right away is that…

What Is An Effective Call To Action?

There are certain fundamental laws that everyone has to follow: what does up must come down, energy cannot be created or destroyed and you really need a call to action at the end of your blogs, landing pages, etc. Sir Isaac Newton may not have known much about call to actions, but today’s businesses and…

5 Google Analytics Features You Should Be Using

Google Analytics is jam-packed with features that give you an instant status on your website’s health, mishaps and opportunities. The only problem? Most marketers don’t have some of the best features of Google Analytics enabled—leaving opportunity for optimization on the table. These five features of Google Analytics are just a few of our favorites: 1.…

Benefits of Web Analytics for Small Business

Understand Visitors Numbers You want to know how many people visit your site each day/week/month.  You want to know what times of the day they visit and their geographic location.  Hopefully, if you’re a bit more curious you’ll want to know what type of device your site visitors are using such as an iPad, a…