What Is An Effective Call To Action?

There are certain fundamental laws that everyone has to follow: what does up must come down, energy cannot be created or destroyed and you really need a call to action at the end of your blogs, landing pages, etc. Sir Isaac Newton may not have known much about call to actions, but today’s businesses and…

5 Google Analytics Features You Should Be Using

Google Analytics is jam-packed with features that give you an instant status on your website’s health, mishaps and opportunities. The only problem? Most marketers don’t have some of the best features of Google Analytics enabled—leaving opportunity for optimization on the table. These five features of Google Analytics are just a few of our favorites: 1.…

Benefits of Web Analytics for Small Business

Understand Visitors Numbers You want to know how many people visit your site each day/week/month.  You want to know what times of the day they visit and their geographic location.  Hopefully, if you’re a bit more curious you’ll want to know what type of device your site visitors are using such as an iPad, a…

Top 4 Benefits of Mobile Marketing

Reach 93% of adults in the UK personally own/use a mobile phone, and with the majority of these users within arm’s length of their devices at all times there’s a lot of potential to reach customers at any time of the day. SMS marketing boasts an impressive average open rate of 98%, meaning mobile marketing…